Very often teachers to teach middle and high school language arts quality of the curriculum of a conservative and sometimes minimalist perspective.scholastic writing contest What this means is that many generic lessons plans are designed by a team , company manuals , or covering only very basic computer skills of reading comprehension and writing minimum . The reasons vary :
• They are required to follow a set of rules ordered in advance.scholastic writing contest
• They are not sure that their students can achieve a higher level of thinking and therefore can not run the risk of going beyond the proposed plan.scholastic writing contest
• They use methods with which they are comfortable .
• Can not be familiar with the available tools that can be used to guide students successfully at the highest level of analysis.scholastic writing contest
If the reader identifies with one of these conditions, please read on . Throughout my many years of research and experience in the classroom ,scholastic writing contest an archetype in particular stands out as a basis to guide my students to in-depth analysis of the literature. This tool is the Mono myth , or the model of the story of the journey of a hero.
scholastic writing contest Once students understand the basics of this subject par excellence, can more easily analyze a story with a clear set of criteria , but can also use this tool to script your own short film , a task I request make entry to competition need to write each fall semester . That students can use this model in reading or writing scholastic writing contest, the archetypal hero journey adds clarity and interest and depth to the task.
Although the pattern of the hero's journey is old scholastic writing contest, the structure of the earliest history of literary history that begins with Gilgamesh , was the seminal work of Joseph Campbell mythology in the world producing the interpretation most illuminating the journey of archetypes in Hero. As with any work of Campbell, which leads us to see that the stories of mythology are really our own stories , symbolic parts of our own lives .scholastic writing contest Imagine how they can be beneficial such relevant studies for students in reading and writing. So, let's begin.
According to Campbell , the hero is called to adventure, but sometimes he or she refuses the call for personal reasons or acknowledge the call scholastic writing contest. The following is an event that can change the mind of the hero, and he decides to take up the gauntlet . Rarely do single hero .
Help soon appears in the form of friends , relatives, even strangers to accompany the hero of the first crossing of the threshold into the realm of darkness perfect.scholastic writing contest The hero and his companions left the world of common day to face the dangers that lie in the symbolic darkness and even real. The stuff of heroes, seduce , destroy,scholastic writing contest or escapes from the guardian of the threshold , so go to the new world .
scholastic writing contest As the hero begins this new stage of the journey , she must face the trials and tests as she starts threatening. Ogres and demons must be conquered until the hero finds the elixir , blessing , if concrete or abstract - that will change the lives of everyone , including the hero .
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